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well, just when we get into a good game, mum comes down and says that we have to put all the furniture back and get dressed. i always have the last say in what i m going to wear, which is always jeans and a tee shirt. i m just not relaxed if i m wearing smart trousers. i like a loose jacket and a hat; my old cowboy hat is a bit misshapen but i do not mind that, it seems to put me in the right mood for the day. it s time to take daniel to school. i really enjoy this trip at the moment because i ve got a super little bike which i ride there and back. well, i don t exactly ride it because both pedals have fallen off and the chain has snapped, so now it s more like a hobby bike. i use my feet for brakes and propulsion.4 it works very well and my balance is now so good that i can ride my brother s big bike if someone helps me to get on and off. when we get to daniel s school i have a race around the playground and annoy a few of dan s friends before the whistle goes, and then, as the trip home is up hill and rather boring, mum usually has to give me a push. i generally play then, or visit a friend down the lane whose brother has some super toys, which compensates for the fact that she s a girl.5 lunch can vary from day to day because i m quite fussy about my food. i find it hard to sit still long enough to eat a whole dinner, so sometimes mum reads a book to me which makes it much more enjoyable, and if the story is very good, i ve even been known to eat things that i didn t think i liked. i suppose that the way i spend my day must seem fairly routine to some people, but i like to use it to the full no matter what i m doing. i do everything with enthusiasm — whether constructing a rocket with bricks or practising gymnastics on the bed or just sliding down the banisters, and i ve noticed that people who are older than me don t seem to have half as much fun, so i say that i m going to enjoy myself for as long as possible. the afternoons are unpredictable. on a fine day i may go swimming or visit a park or the shops. personally, i think the shops are best, especially the ones with toys in. my mother just doesn t seem to understand that i need them all, anyway i have a good try with as many as i can before getting into trouble with the assistant. then i move on to the sweets, which i generally get one of. friends houses can be a good source of entertainment, although if they haven t got any children it can be a bit frustrating not being allowed to touch anything. luckily most of mother s friends have got children. the best treat of all, though, is visiting nanny.6 she s got much more time to spend on you than parents have and i do all sorts of things there. i have made some very tasty cakes in nanny s kitchen and she doesn t mind how much mess goes on the floor.7 i also enjoy gardening with her. she is extremely patient with my pruning efforts.8 so my afternoons vary until we collect my brother from school at 3.30. he s not so much fun in the afternoons, but i do a bit of insect searching on the way home and collect any interesting sticks and stones that i think i could use in our small garden. my bedtime is fixed at 7.30 and to be honest i m just about ready for it by then. after doing my duty — by eating some tea — i play for a while or watch television. i m not a tv addict but cartoons i do enjoy9 and my favourite programme is tarzan. when this is on i strip өрлеу результаты защиты от 18.05.2018г караганда иеформатики

‘when i was young, music wasn’t very important in our house. then, when i was four, i started playing the violin. in my first lesson, i was so happy, i couldn’t stop crying. my dad, gio, was always busy. he was very hard working. his parents were poor, so he wanted to give me and my sister everything. i like hard work too, and i know what i want – if someone says to me “you can’t do that”, i think “oh yes i can!” that’s very like my dad.

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