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479 b.c. plataea – greece wins freedom some battles are decisive because of what they prevent from happening. the battle of plataea, which took place in 479 b.c. and was fought between the united city states of ancient greece and the persian empire, is one of these. if the greeks had lost this battle and become merely one more province of the persian empire, the cultural flourishing of greece in the 5th century b.c. might not have taken place. at the very least, a persian victory would have resulted in a different course of history. background to plataea • plataea is not nearly so well known as three other battles fought between the greeks and persians within an 11 year span. thermopylae was a greek defeat, and marathon and salamis, although greek victories, were only temporary setbacks for persia, which returned to the fight each time. • plataea, however, was decisive. it effectively ended the war and ensured greek independence and freedom, thus making possible the greek golden age. the opponents • on the one side was mighty persia, a culturally sophisticated, ethnically diverse, and economically prosperous empire that stretched from the mediterranean to the borders of modern india. • pitted against this colossus were the greek city states, a group of small, separate political entities on the mainland of greece and the islands of the aegean sea that shared a common language and culture. • the largest was athens, known for its boldness and creativity, which had begun to experiment with forms of democracy. next was sparta, inward looking, suspicious, and possessed of a small but terrifyingly efficient and fanatical army. these two spent most of their time engaged in fierce squabbles with each other. outcomes • on the same day as the battle of plataea, a naval battle against the remnant of the persian fleet also gave victory to the greeks, and this moment marked the end of the persian threat. the war would continue for decades, but it was the greeks who were on the offensive. • the victory at plataea ushered in a period known as the pentekonteia, a 50 year period regarded as the golden age of greece that ended when they once more fell prey to their old rivalries, resulting in the disastrous 30 year peloponnesian war. • to commemorate plataea, the greeks melted down some of the persian weapons and used the bronze to erect a column at delphi. it was stolen 800 years later by constantine and moved to constantinople, where it decorated the horse racing arena. it can still be seen in istanbul, and it still legibly bears the names of the 31 greek cities that united to fight at the battle of plataea.

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