Геометрия, 8-сынып И.Бекбоев, А. Абдиев, Ж. Қайдасов, Г. Хабарова. 2008 ж.


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27 июн 2017 ... 8 "А" сыныбы. Пән мұғалімі Нагасбекова Г.С. 4 наурыз 2017 жыл. English lesson. 8a Form. Teacher Nagasbekova G.S. Secondary ...



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Городская олимпиада «Аль-Фараби» по физике, 8 сынып. Есеп №1. На дне водоема установлена бетонная конструкция грибовидной формы, размеры ...



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a working day of a sales manager timberland is a world famous company in the market for boots and shoes. it is a real market leader. at the moment it is rapidly increasing its exports to japan, taiwan and hong kong. the goods of this company are of high quality. they meet up to date international standards. timberland is a large corporation. it has a lot of foreign and domestic subsidiaries. the company consists of nine departments. the company chief executive officer ceo and president is sidney swartz. he is in charge of the global strategy. his son, mr. jeffry swartz, is executive vice president. he knows everything about this business and helps his father to run the company. now they are planning to expand their business to latin america. mr. stevens is the company sales manager. his working day starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 5 p.m. he works hard every day. m r. stevens always gets up early, takes a shower and has breakfast. during breakfast he watches the latest news on tv or listens to the radio. then mr. stevens drives to work. it takes him twenty five minutes to get to the office. when he starts his working day he usually switches on his computer and looks through the mail. after that he sends some e mails or asks his secretary to do it. then he and his assistant make the plan for the clay. mr. stevens discusses a lot of business matters on the phone. sometimes he makes appointments with his suppliers. at 12 o clock he always has lunch in the company cafeteria. after lunch he meets his customers or regional sales managers. it is 4 p.m. now anil mr. stevens is having talks with mr. brown from the public relations department pr and advertising department. they are discussing the new advertising campaign of their new product. now they are speaking about budget problems. they are hoping to find a reasonable solution to the issue. mr. stevens is efficient and hard working. he tries to solve all the problems, so his clients like to do business with him. they discuss terms of delivery and payment, prices and discounts. mr. stevens travels a lot and visits the subsidiaries of timberland. he enjoys his job because he meets a lot of new people and goes to different countries.онлайн

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